1) Honor GOD
2) Protect America and it’s legal citizens 3) Fight for Freedom and Liberty around the world |
In order for the community to win the American Game it needs a (S.P.A.R.K.) System, Plan, Access, Resources and Knowledge! We have formed the Seeds of Dignity Coalition to provide the needed connections and support to make sure a S.P. A.R.K is delivered into the communities of need across the nation. Your generous donation will go towards Sponsorships and Grants supporting causes like “Operation Community Reboot!”
OUR WHY – We find and help promote productive organizations that are planting seeds of education and economic opportunities throughout the nation using (S.P.A.R.K.) System, Plan, Access, Resources and Knowledge!
OUR HOW – We contact community and organizational groups and attend meetings to determine the viability and success of their programs. Then we form relationships to help promote them.
OUR WHAT – We have over 50 years of combined experience in community outreach and project development.
OUR WHERE – We will focus on 8 key states then expand out from there to reboot and restore communities that have the highest percentage of crime and poverty. Missouri, Illinois, Colorado, Michigan, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Alabama.